Grilled chicken in lemon marinade, a full-flavored second course!
The choice to put a second dish of chicken on the table is often not dictated by your nutritional plan or by the need to feel more on a diet but by the need to bring to the table an easy preparation that is always appreciated by your family. Are you sure that whatever the combination is, the cut of chicken will never betray you ... What if we told you that you can change the taste by making it more interesting while always remaining faithful to your choice? Read how to change the taste of one of the favorite recipes of our readers and DNC® patients.
You have no idea how quick and tasty this recipe is! You can use the meat that you like best and that can be adapted to the tastes of your family, but also try a different marinade each time, always keeping the same cut of meat. With DNC®plate advice you will always have new ideas available to improve your dishes or add new flavors to your home menu or to your Nutri® program you are following. In the next posts we will propose other marinades to start giving a more spring taste to your meat or fish preparations! Each time the process will be the same, but the taste will change according to the chosen marinade!
🍳 PREPARE with DNC®plate step by step
There is no quick recipe without the preparation first of all the necessary !!
So first you MUST get (if it is not present in your kitchen) a flat grill to place on the stove or a grill pot, the one made with raised lines just to imitate a real cast iron grill. There are now also non-stick grilled pans on the market, very convenient to prevent food from sticking and to prevent the typical lines on meat and fish from becoming too black (which are not very healthy as it burns, that is, carbonizes, food). You need:
-chicken breasts (not too thin otherwise they burn) calculate at least 1 per person juice of 2 small or 1 large lemons
-a few slices of lemon or just the peel if organic lemon
-sprig of fresh rosemary
-EVO oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil ... for those who don't know ..) -
1 clove of fresh garlic for every 2 chicken breasts, salt and pepper (optional dried sage powder)
Step 2: START WITH THE TASTE marinating is the secret
Forget the long and complicated procedures .. Follow these simple steps and you will get a spectacular result that will surprise your family or your guests. You can bring this recipe to the table for a family dinner with side vegetables and basmati rice or as the main ingredient of a cold dish for your business lunch in the office, prepare it in advance to have a good protein source and not having to fall back on the usual canned tuna or the usual omelette! The secret to a good marinade is the balance of flavors. It cannot be flat otherwise what you are going to flavor will only know about the only ingredient / flavor you used! A good marinade also helps to "pre-cook" the food, making the meat very soft and at the same time very tasty. DO THIS In a mixing bowl or bowl / salad bowl depending on how many chicken fillets you have to marinate, arrange the chicken. Don't stack it too much or it won't get marinade and only the bottom chicken slices will flavor! FOR THE MARINADE In a large cup or bowl pour the lemon juice (do not use the ready-made one, it is too acidic) and EVO oil in equal parts. Don't worry, you don't use the marinade for cooking! Emulsify with a fork trying to create a homogeneous mixture. Add the salt (a pinch every 2 chicken breasts) the pepper if you like it in grains or freshly ground, the sprigs of rosemary, the whole garlic cloves if you don't like its pungent taste, otherwise open in half and the sage powder dry (very good!) Remember that the longer the marinade, the better. It would be best to prepare them 1-2 hours before dinner or lunch. Cook the chicken having first heated the grill at least 5 minutes per side (adjust with the thickness of your meat, remember that the chicken MUST NOT BE PINK inside !!!! it's dangerous ...) Drain the chicken from its marinade, otherwise it will burn on the grill right away Serve very hot.
You can also use an oil flavored perhaps with truffles or chilli, you choose which other flavor to give to this simple but very tasty marinade. Don't overdo the ingredients otherwise you risk completely covering the taste of your main dish: chicken meat.
Step 3: ALL TIPS for your delicius chicken
Remember that if you increase the portions per person you will need more time for preparation and rest in the fridge NO TIME??? So do this: before preparing dinner, marinate and let the meat rest even if it will not be hours and hours you will see that the meat will still have more taste. NO SPACE IN THE FRIDGE ??? So do this: buy plastic zip bags (the ones that open and close) use two to be safe, put in all the chicken breasts (if they fit) and the marinade, zip up and massage the meat to make the aromas adhere well, place the bag in the fridge to save space! Whichever version you choose can be a valid alternative to a quick toast dinner or the usual bread, ham and salad. Surely the taste will be rewarded ..
The Nutritionist recommends:
Do you know that chicken is the most used choice in all diets? In reality it is thought that it is the most protein and lightest one, in reality it is turkey meat has the most protein per serving and chicken is not very tolerated by those with gastritis.
Are you following YOUR Nutri®WEIGHT program to lose weight?
You can add this recipe to the ones you have, to change tastes and choose to change every now and then
Are you following YOUR Nutri®SPORT program?
You can use this recipe as a POST WORKOUT meal as it is a good source of protein. According to your Nutri®SPORT program, do you have to eat before sports performance? Then follow your DNC® nutritional timing carefully to get the right nutrients at the best time!
Are you following YOUR Nutri®GASTRIC program for gastritis and reflux?
You can add this recipe to the ones you have but don't use lemon and garlic, you can use all the other ingredients instead depending on your symptoms and your clinical situation.
Dr. Ravelli Lia
Dottoressa Ravelli Lia
Resp. DNC®,
creatrice Programma Nutri®
Nutrizionista Sportiva, Dietista Clinica
Spec.Tecn. Assist.
Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Benessere
Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Alimentazione Pediatrica
Perfezionata in Nutrizione Oncologica
Perfezionata in Nutrizione Sportiva
Master in Nutrizione Sportiva
Diplomata in Omeopatia
Esperta in DCA, Fitoterapia, Eubiosi/Benessere Intestinale
DON'T have YOUR Program Nutri® yet? -> Contact the DNC® Secretariat send a DM or an SMS whatsapp 3385666771 or visit the SITE (fill out the form)
DISCLAIMER The advice provided is a DNC® mini-GUIDE but cannot in any way replace the outpatient visit. Specific Clinical Nutrition is based on the person and his life (work, pathologies, sports, tastes, habits) and cannot be generalized in any way! The treatments described on the site do not represent a precise indication of the results that can be obtained, which may vary from person to person. The dietary and phytotherapeutic advice in the article must be intended for educational purposes only. This information should never replace the personalized advice of a specialist. Therefore, any decision made on the basis of these indications must be understood as personal and according to one's own responsibility.