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Homemade roasted whole stuffed cockerel with sautéed mushrooms and pomegranate

When the usual slice of chicken is no longer enough for you and you want a complete dish that has taste and that extra push focuses on quick preparations to cook but tasty given by the filling and the side dish. The roasted internal cockerel stuffed with sautéed mushrooms and pomegranate grains is a dish that winks at the most winter recipes but can be brought to the table even when spring knocks on the door and can be adapted to the Program Nutri® that you are following a pact to check your nutritional choices. Try this magnificent recipe and we are sure it will stay on your family's menu forever

You have no idea how quick and tasty this DNC®plate recipe is!

You will need a few simple ingredients for this DNC®plate recipe dusted off among the best DNC®plates. It's great for your Program Nutri® lunch and a one-time meal if you include a portion of carbohydrates such as potatoes or rice.

Bring this recipe to the table for a lunch with friends or an informal dinner, serve as we did everything directly on the plate (or tray) in the oven. The scenographic effect will be guaranteed and your guests will be pleasantly impressed.

Do you have your version? Post it in the comments below the post on social networks (you can find the post on Facebook / Instagram / Linkedin / Pinterest )

Roasted mushrooms are great on their own, topped with some herbs and olive oil, or as an ingredient in other dishes.

Try adding them to your pasta, tossing them with sauteed green beans, or serving them cold with salads. And while this DNC®plate recipe was created for champignon mushrooms but the method can be adapted for many other types, including portobello, oyster, shiitake, wild mushroom and more.

The best marinade for cockerel to be grilled or roasted (in a pan or in the oven) is prepared with an emulsion of oil, a drop of vinegar (no more, otherwise it cooks the meat) and a mince of coarse salt and perfumed aromatic herbs: thyme, rosemary, sage, bay leaf, marjoram. Oregano is also perfect for flavoring cockerel meat.

For the filling you can choose the classic one based on meat, breadcrumbs, herbs, salt and pepper, or the one you usually use for fillings. Finally, you can use a ready-made filling or buy it from your trusted butcher. However, do not put too much stuffing because otherwise it will come out during cooking.

Other ways to season the filling:

-Spice breadcrumbs meat

-radicchio speck meat

-egg breadcrumbs mushrooms

-spinach meat cooked ham grated cheese

-breadcrumbs grated cheese water salt and nutmeg spices

-bitter herbs (chicory) meat breadcrumbs salt chilli


🍳 PREPARE with DNC®plate step by step



There is no quick recipe without the preparation first of all the necessary !!

You need for each dish:

1 cockerel every 2 people (if small, calculate 1 each)

stuffing (see options above) at least 2-3 tablespoons per serving

champignon mushrooms or whatever you prefer

extra virgin olive oil



garlic cloves

sweet paprika, powdered mustard seeds, spices for roasts



baking sheet

pan to roast the cockerel and to cook the mushrooms

pomegranate grains for garnish

(optional: fresh chilli)

Step 2: START WITH THE TASTE the MAKEUP is START with the pan!

Forget the long and complicated procedures .. Follow these simple steps and you will get a spectacular result that will surprise your family or your guests.

You can bring this recipe to the table as a single dish for a family lunch, it will give you an explosion of flavors you will never forget!

If you prepare it in advance, you can take it to work as a lunch to reheat.

The secret to a good dish is to mix the flavors. Follow the steps and surely you will introduce this recipe among the most popular of your family!

If you want to lighten the dish you can replace the meat filling with breadcrumbs (see all the options)!


Wash the mushrooms quickly under water and cut off the part of the stem that is usually soiled with weave. You will lose some flavor but at least you will not eat the earth! You can also use pre-cut fresh mushrooms.

In a non-stick pan, heat a teaspoon of oil and the garlic, brown the mushrooms over high heat, add salt and pepper when the water they have produced has been absorbed, you can turn off the flame. Do not cook the mushrooms completely, they will finish cooking in the oven. Set the mushrooms aside.

In the same pan, lightly brown the marinated cockerels you have filled and sprinkle with the spices for roasts. Remember paprika and powdered mustard seeds are key to taste!

Transfer the mushrooms to a baking dish or saucepan that goes into the oven. Place the cockerels on top and cook for about 30/50 minutes in a preheated oven at 180-200 °. Remember if you have already pre-cooked the mushrooms and chanterelles you can consider 30min but the oven must already be hot. Consider that in addition to the meat, the filling must also be cooked.

To check the cooking, cut the meat close to the bones with a sharp knife, if you see clear liquid leaking out they still need to cook.

Do you see that they burn? cover with parchment paper and lower the temperature, your oven is too hot.

When cooked, let it cool slightly before serving. Serve with fresh parsley pomegranate grains, if you like a squeeze of lemon.

Do you miss the spicy? You can add fresh red pepper cut into rounds at this stage.

You can choose other mushrooms, especially if you have the possibility to have them fresh.

You can also not fill the cockerels, however, inside them insert lemon slices, cloves of garlic, rosemary and chilli.


Check carefully the quantities per portion you have in your Program Nutri® that you are following according to your needs and adapt them to those of the recipe!


So do this: prepare this recipe in advance and keep it in the fridge closed in an airtight container for up to 1-2 days

Can I choose meat that cooks faster?

Absolutely yes! Instead of the cockerels you can choose to put in the oven some small open chicken legs to cook them earlier or some chicken rolls (a few days we will put the delicious recipe!)

The Nutritionist recommends:

A cockerel can weigh up to 650 grams, but it has a lot of waste. Based on your portions, if the cockerel you buy is smaller you should calculate one each. When choosing meat with bones, such as chicken or rabbit, you must consider that you will not go to eat everything you buy.
How can you make this dish lighter? You can use dietary cooking bags, I always recommend them to my patients. They have the advantage of not getting your oven dirty and in any case the crunchy effect is guaranteed!
Are you following YOUR Nutri®WEIGHT program to lose weight?
You can add this recipe to lunch considering the quantities of YOUR Nutri® Program
Are you following YOUR Nutri®NICHEL program specific for systemic nickel allergy?
Don't take mushrooms! Change the type of vegetable. You can put in the oven: carrots, leeks, fennel.
Dr. Ravelli Lia

Dottoressa Ravelli Lia

Resp. DNC®,

creatrice Programma Nutri®

Nutrizionista Sportiva, Dietista Clinica

Spec.Tecn. Assist.

Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Benessere

Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Alimentazione Pediatrica

Perfezionata in Nutrizione Oncologica

Perfezionata in Nutrizione Sportiva

Master in Nutrizione Sportiva

Diplomata in Omeopatia

Esperta in DCA, Fitoterapia, Eubiosi/Benessere Intestinale






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The advice provided is a DNC® mini-GUIDE but cannot in any way replace the outpatient visit. Specific Clinical Nutrition is based on the person and his life (work, pathologies, sports, tastes, habits) and cannot be generalized in any way!

The treatments described on the site do not represent a precise indication of the results that can be obtained, which may vary from person to person.

The dietary and phytotherapeutic advice in the article must be intended for educational purposes only. This information should never replace the personalized advice of a specialist. Therefore, any decision made on the basis of these indications must be understood as personal and according to one's own responsibility.

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Sono una mamma felice, una dottoressa innamorata del suo lavoro e creatrice dei marchi DNC® e Programma Nutri®. Considero DNC® come una famiglia, un luogo in cui le persone e i pazienti possano trovare idee per migliorare con l'alimentazione la propria vita.  Entra anche tu in DNC® sei il benvenuto. Mi trovate in ambulatorio per le visite e on line per le consulenze.

Dottoressa Lia Ravelli
 DNC®, Nutrizionista Sportiva, Dietista Clinica

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