Ramen my way
Ramen is a unique dish with an enveloping flavor rich in taste and a thousand properties. In fact, unlike the Italian minestrone, it is not cooked for a long time and the foods retain all their properties and their fantastic tastes and textures are all distinguishable within this magnificent dish! Have you always wanted to prepare Ramen but has it always seemed complicated to you? Our version of Ramen my way is a dish that winks at the traditional recipe but can be adapted to Italian cuisine and can be brought to the table even when you are following your Program Nutri®WEIGHT for weight loss as long as check your quantities in your program. Try this magnificent recipe for lunch or dinner and we are sure it will stay on your family's menu forever!
You have no idea how quick and tasty this DNC®plate recipe is!
You will need a few simple ingredients to prepare this DNC®plate recipe chosen from the best DNC®plate of the Nutri® Program.
How nice is it to bring a recipe created with your own hands to the table?
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What's inside the ramen? Ramen (ラ ー メ ン rāmen) is a Japanese dish, consisting of wheat noodles served in a meat or sometimes fish broth, often flavored with soy sauce, miso or shio. ... There are many vegetarian variants, in which a vegetable broth and vegetable dressings are used. Adapt your personal version according to the foods you have in the menu of your Nutri® Program (ask for info on the Nutri® Program) Why is it called ramen? Etymology. Ramen is of Chinese origin, however it is not clear when it was introduced in Japan. The etymology of the word ramen is also a subject of debate. According to one theory, it is the Japanese pronunciation of Chinese 拉 麺 (la mian), which means "hand-rolled noodles".
🍳PREPARE with DNC®plate step by step
There is no quick recipe without the preparation first of all the necessary !! Make room in the kitchen or on the table to have everything you need to make the recipe. Cooking will be simple and relaxing and above all ... fast!
You need for each dish:
-1 portion of wheat or rice or soy noodles, we used fresh egg pasta, you can prepare it at home or buy it in the refrigerated counter.
-1 cup of frozen shrimp, alternatively you can use fresh ones and sear before serving.
-1/2 cup of champignon mushrooms, you can find them already cut in the refrigerated counter, vegetable department
-2-3 leaves of ribs ("coste" like bok choy) but you can use frozen spinach or fresh baby spinach or whatever vegetables you like best
-1/4 of a lime
-1/2 tsp sesame seeds
-soy sauce 1 tsp
-vegetable or meat broth, use the BIO granulated broth for speed
(optional: fresh chilli)
START WITH THE TASTE the MAKEUP is BEGINNING with the combination of tastes!
Forget the long and complicated procedures .. Follow these simple steps and you will get a spectacular result that will surprise your family or your guests. You can bring this DNC®plate recipe from the Program Nutri® for your family to the table, it will give you an explosion of flavors you will never forget! The secret to a good dish is to mix the flavors. Follow the steps and you will surely introduce this recipe among the most popular of your family! DO THIS First prepare the broth. If you want to prepare it you have to consider more time, otherwise you can choose a good BIO granular broth that does not contain glutamate, there are excellent ones on the market. When it boils, add the pasta of your choice (check the cooking instructions on the package). In a non-stick pan, sauté the mushrooms with a drizzle of oil, minced garlic and parsley, at the end add salt. Set aside. In the same pan, sauté the frozen shrimps, season with salt and pepper. Set aside. Cut the leaves of thin ribs, sauté them in a pan with garlic, chilli and a drizzle of oil. Cook them al dente and set aside. When the pasta is ready and the broth has shrunk a little you can assemble the dish. In a deep plate with tongs distribute the right amount of pasta for each person, in the same plate pour a portion of shrimp, mushrooms, ribs and cover with the broth from the pasta pot. Top with soy sauce, fresh chilli, sesame seeds, a squeeze of lime. Serve very hot.
The Nutritionist advises
Check carefully the quantities per portion you have in your Nutri® program that you are following according to your needs and adapt them to those of the recipe! YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME??? Always try to plan your shopping based on the menu of your Nutri® Program you will have the ingredients available and you will not have energy drops during your work, study or sports day! To know! Ramen are therefore a concentrate of benefits thanks to the quickly cooked foods that they use as ingredients to make up the dish, they maintain vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, the fundamental minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Try to always compose a balanced dish made up of carbohydrates given by the pasta you choose, proteins given by shrimp or meat or eggs or legumes, vitamins given by vegetables from the ribs or spinach or whatever you prefer.
Dottoressa Ravelli Lia
Resp. DNC®,
creatrice Programma Nutri®
Nutrizionista Sportiva, Dietista Clinica
Spec.Tecn. Assist.
Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Benessere
Perfezionata in Nutrizione e Alimentazione Pediatrica
Perfezionata in Nutrizione Oncologica
Perfezionata in Nutrizione Sportiva
Master in Nutrizione Sportiva
Diplomata in Omeopatia
Esperta in DCA, Fitoterapia, Eubiosi/Benessere Intestinale
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The advice provided is a DNC® mini-GUIDE but cannot in any way replace the outpatient visit. Specific Clinical Nutrition is based on the person and his life (work, pathologies, sports, tastes, habits) and cannot be generalized in any way!
The treatments described on the site do not represent a precise indication of the results that can be obtained, which may vary from person to person.
The dietary and phytotherapeutic advice in the article must be intended for educational purposes only. This information should never replace the personalized advice of a specialist. Therefore, any decision made on the basis of these indications must be understood as personal and according to one's own responsibility.